2020 Legislative Policy Agenda

  1. City of Atlanta adopts Vision Zero policy that directs City plans, policies, and projects to reduce fatal and serious injury crashes until no one dies in transit in our city.

  2. City of Atlanta adopts citywide safe speed limit of 25 mph to reduce traffic fatalities and serious injuries

  3. Atlanta Police Department revises pursuit policy to prevent fatal crashes 

  4. City of Atlanta creates Tactical Urbanism permit enabling communities and organizations to install interim safety improvements that align with City plans

  5. Georgia Department of Transportation revises construction permit to limit sidewalk closures and maintain access for people walking and using wheelchairs

  6. City of Atlanta revises event and construction permits to maintain access to bike/scooter lanes 

  7. All Atlanta Public Schools provide sufficient and secure parking for bikes, scooters, skateboards, etc.

  8. Each Atlanta Public School adopts a travel plan that includes all modes of active transportation and related safety, access, and parking issues.
