How we define equity


A just outcome that allows everyone to thrive and share in a prosperous, inclusive society. Equity puts into practice, through policies and allocation of resources, principles that intentionally dismantle generational power structures and other disparities that continue privilege.

Racial equity:

Rectifies racist policies, founded in white supremacy, that have and continue to marginalize Black and brown people and their communities. Racial equity requires the deliberate prioritization of the individuals and communities most impacted by ongoing racial injustices, systemic oppression, and racial disparities.

Context: Putting Equity into Action

Equity does not burden the individuals and communities most impacted by historical and ongoing systemic injustices with the responsibility of replacing the defective system. Instead, those lived experiences must inform the intentional, tangible investment of resources in systems resulting in fair and just outcomes that allow everyone to thrive and share equally in a prosperous, inclusive society.

For example, redlining created an unequally distributed sidewalk network in Atlanta and many other U.S. cities. An equitable approach to transportation investments will prioritize investments in sidewalks and repairs in those communities.

Examples of intentional and unintentional policies that still result in disparate outcomes include laws criminalizing walking, federal highway programs that displaced Black communities, and the High-Injury network concentrated in redlined communities. These and other examples show why equity must be addressed by individuals, governments, and society at large.

